





澳门新葡京官网 Ecoscape

1996年成立于伯明翰南方学院校园内, this program has expanded to the surrounding communities and utilizes local art work 为了说明有机园艺 practices, 提供户外教室, 并为城市社区提供休息和娱乐的绿色空间. These oases vary according to community needs and demonstrate how vacant properties can be transformed into anchors for revitalization.

The program has been recognized nationally: the Woodlawn EcoScape received the 2004 Urban Garden Award from Keep Birmingham Beautiful and the 阿灵顿西区生态景观 was voted one of the best small-scale community revitalization projects of 2005 by the national nonprofit group Neighborhoods USA.

所有的生态景观都对公众开放,尽管有些有时间限制. 休·考尔, 北伯明翰生态景观, 和Sims EcoScape每天白天开放.  火鸡溪自然保护区的营业时间 click here. 欲了解更多信息或计划访问,请单击下面的选项卡之一.




    The 阿灵顿西区生态景观 is located on the corner of 棉花大道和西南第九街 and is modeled after the Woodlawn EcoScape. EcoScape被设计成一个被动的娱乐设施. 目的是创造一个完整的花坛植物环境, seating areas, 还有全景. 马赛克垫脚石和公园长椅由当地学校的学生设计. 克里斯·芬内尔的大型花卉雕塑, 由回收的屋顶材料制成, 将沿着棉花大道的交通的注意力吸引到这个美妙的社区绿色空间. 阿灵顿西区生态景观广泛使用回收铺路石, woodchips, 土壤改良剂, 增加了它作为户外教室的价值.

    Walk this way


    Brown Springs


    位于73街和波尔图大道, 布朗斯普林斯生态公园建在伯明翰市拥有的一块空地上. 花园被设计成一个带有花坛的被动娱乐设施, seating areas, 还有全景. An effort has been made to restore the natural spring, which historically served this community. Future plans also call for the replanting of a small orchard on an adjacent lot for use by the community. 

    The location of this EcoScape directly complements the objectives outlined in Ruffner Mountain's master plan. 73街提供了通往自然中心的历史通道, 花园将成为步道系统用户的当地地标.

    一期项目的发起人包括布朗斯普林斯社区协会.瓦莱丽·阿博特议员,瓦乔维亚基金会,拖拉机 & 韦德沙石设备公司,及专员希拉·斯穆特.




    步行即可到达伯明翰南方学院(澳门新葡京官网), 学院山生态景观于6月9日落成, 2007. 这个装饰入口是10,000 square foot outdoor classroom and community park incorporates one of the original gateways to 澳门新葡京官网. 营地北极星的青年事工利用了种植蔬菜和草本植物的花园, and a hand painted park bench is just one of several local art works that grace this charming pocket park. 项目发起人包括学院山社区协会, 南方联合学院, and Wade Sand & Gravel.

    In 2012, 南方环保中心 expanded its partnership with College Hills by planting over 50 street trees along 9th Avenue.  在学院山的入口处,当地的植物床提供了一年四季的色彩, 并在第9大道公交车站安装了一条石凳. 资金支持由伯明翰市提供.

    EcoScape向日葵由Steve Cole,伯明翰南方学院艺术教授创作





    这个美妙的户外教室于1996年在澳门新葡京官网校园成立 art work 为了说明有机园艺 practices, 并为对创造感兴趣的学校和社区提供了一个具体的概述 low cost 自然中心或户外学习场所.


    游客可以漫步于北方野花花园, 触摸和品尝可食用的植物和花朵, and pass by huge Praying Mantis and Whooping Crane sculptures on the way to the EcoScape's Wetland and Tree Trails.

    EcoScape还提供了对水问题的独特关注, 从旱景到非点源 pollution. 技术上复杂的问题以外行的方式呈现, 并以一种挑战访客在工作场所或家庭中为改变做出贡献的方式.

    Ecoscape Map



    North Birmingham


    Plantings北伯明翰生态景观 is located next to a Wells Fargo Bank branch on 北30大道2619号 and was officially dedicated on October 14, 2010. 在设计上类似于普林斯顿大学BMC的康复花园, 北伯明翰生态景观以抗旱的本地野花为特色, raised herb beds, fruit trees, and shrubs. A winding gravel pathway leads visitors past azalea alcoves, centered by hand painted park benches. 花园中心的开放草坪区域既是一个游戏场所 & picnic area. 北伯明翰生态景观 is within walking distance of a senior living facility and a public library, 并作为一个美观的门户北伯明翰商业区.

    View a 照片的幻灯片 北伯明翰风景公园.

    North Birmingham




    治愈花园, 位于普林斯顿浸信会医疗中心校园内, combines specially designed visual arts exhibits with fragrance and wildflower gardens to serve as a therapeutic tool for hospital staff, 普林斯顿大厦的居民, 以及他们的家人, 同时也是一个社区公园. 它是当地高中和大学的户外教室.

    这个花园是阿拉巴马州第一个这样的花园,以草药为特色, fruit trees, 这些花通常生长在20世纪40年代和50年代. The front fence was made by local artist Heather Spencer and is designed to resemble the famous Gee's Bend被子图案. 花园的中心是由澳门新葡京官网艺术教授Jim Neel创作的水雕.

    Gee's Bend被子图案. Arnie Rutkis设计和安装. (




    普林斯顿大学的声音花园为医院工作人员和游客提供了一个充电的地方. Its fountain, 风铃雕塑, 以及围绕着遮阳伞的桌子的彩色酒瓶头雕塑. A Wellness Walk lined with colorful sunflower banners leads to the nearby Healing Garden at Princeton Towers. Designed by Altamont School art students, the banners depict stages of the sunflower's life cycle. Funding support from this project came from Princeton Baptist Medical Center and the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham.

    还可以参观普林斯顿浸信会医疗中心生态景观治疗花园 通过点击上面的选项卡.






    位于伯明翰西南部,毗邻中场, the Riley-Travellick neighborhood was developed in 1888 as a planned community for low income workers by the Beneficial Land and Improvement Company.  多年来,这个社区的人口一直在减少, 在90年代, the Riley area became a center for illegal drug distribution under the Insane Gangster Disciples. 

    南方环境中心最新的EcoScape于9月17日完工, 2012年,现在作为社区振兴的支柱. 我们最近增加了一个展馆,将用于社区节日.

    Riley-Travellick全海洋靠近红山公园, 以及拟议中的溪谷绿道.






    The 东部保健中心 garden is the 10th Community EcoScape designed by the 南方环保中心 (SEC) since 1996. 它由一系列相互连接的花园组成,花园中充满了当地的野花, edible plants, and herbs. 专为全年的颜色和香味, 它的小径连接着草地花园和南方林地花园.


    保罗·萨缪尔森生态景观的标志突出了药用植物和民间传说. In addition, a trail system will eventually provide an access point to a proposed greenway linking the health center by way of Hawkins Park to East Lake Park.

    作为与杰斐逊县卫生部合作的一部分, SEC将为该地区制定一个社区使用计划. Potential projects include a Saturday farmer's market managed by East Lake United Methodist Church, 还有园艺培训 为居住在洛夫拉迪中心的女性提供的项目. 除了它的药物治疗项目, Lovelady中心为Tutwiler监狱提供了一个工作释放项目, 并协助人权事务办公室的儿童监护案件. SEC will also help JCDH develop potential community wellness programs like yoga in the gardens and nature education programs for area youth.


    Funding support for this project came from the Jefferson County Public Health Fund and also the Samuelson Fund for Public Health.


    七泉,波德利. AL



    In April 2008, the 南方环保中心 dedicated the Seven Springs EcoScape on the grounds of Faith Apostolic Church in southwest Birmingham. EcoScape的设计是为了保护溪谷的一条泉水支流. 它是一种濒临灭绝的小鱼的家园,这种小鱼长两英寸,有红鳍和蓝鳍. 人们知道这种鱼只存在于罗巴克泉, Pinson, Bessemer, 以及鲍德利社区的七泉镇. The spring's population of watercress darters was discovered  by Samford University biologists Mike Howell and Larry Davenport and led to an agreement in 2005 between the church and the Freshwater Land Trust to ensure the permanent protection of the watercress darter and its habitat. 第二年,美国.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局,桑福德大学生物系,以及南部 


    环境中心加入了合作伙伴关系. EcoScape是在五星修复挑战基金的帮助下完成的.

    美国证券交易委员会主任罗尔德·哈泽尔霍夫目前正在开发一种环境教育 program for community residents that highlights the rare fish and its significance in the local ecosystem. EcoScape还将用作户外教室和冥想场所. 花园蜿蜒的小径, 被石灰岩巨石包围着, 风吹过种植着本地植物和鲜花的花坛. Faith Apostolic Church hopes to eventually extend the EcoScape along the spring out to  24th Street Southwest. 那条街一直延伸到红山公园的边界.


     Sims EcoScape

    罗尔德和学生们在工作This EcoScape is spread across 5 adjacent lots in Homewood, and is named in honor of Catherine Sims. 被亲切地称为埃奇伍德的植物女士, 凯瑟琳热衷于园艺, 甚至欣赏每朵花最小的细节. In her will, 她把她的财产转让给霍姆伍德市, 规定将其作为社区公园和户外教室进行维护. 经过一段最初的滞后期,在此期间,该网站变得杂草丛生, the 南方环保中心 at Birmingham-Southern College was brought in to do a total makeover.

    今天,三个较低的地块覆盖着本地的草,植物和传家宝玫瑰. 楼上的花园包括一座砖砌露台, 苔岩座墙, bamboo fence, 还有一个展示绿色屋顶的工具棚 & 雨水收集系统. 凯瑟琳以前的温室 At work on Sims已修复,周围是堆肥示范区. 与新停车场相邻的生物沼泽捕获并减缓了雨水径流, 被动地给植物浇水. A massive Sycamore tree propagated by Catherine stands guard over the entire property and provides song birds a perching place.

    Behind Ms. 西姆斯的故居,一个安静的庭院空间为接待或讲座提供了完美的环境. 没有可食用的景观,生态景观是不完整的, 你会发现很多蓝莓, figs, muscadines, peaches, mayhaw, rosemary, 百里香和牛至. 凯瑟琳也希望这样.

    View a map 模拟人生的生态景观.

    关注Sims EcoScape事件 here.


    Tarrant EcoScape

    位于塔兰特市中心福特大道1113号, this novel project provides natural restoration to a vacant lot that at one time housed a dry cleaning business.  设计用于被动娱乐和用作户外教室, Tarrant EcoScape的生物威尔士可以减少邻近停车场的雨水径流. Fonde Taylor's ornamental fence gives a second life to metal waste and serves as a frame for climbing roses. 这个公园的特色是一个马赛克喷泉, 长凳由回收的花岗岩街道镶边制成, 以及塔兰特中学学生种植的香草园.   

    二期计划要求在Tarrant EcoScape街对面开设一家烹饪艺术咖啡馆, 福特大道(Ford Avenue)沿线当地设计的街道横幅,吸引附近79号高速公路的交通.
